Σάββατο, Μαρτίου 08, 2008

Τρίτη, Μαΐου 09, 2006

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Posted by Picasa ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted by Picasa -here is a movie that stops making sense before it even starts. hell, even before you read the title. there were no clocks before christ invented them all first you morons. No one could count anyways. and ICED AGE, this is when the block melts a holes, when will these snobby producer start titling their films so that I know what it is before I see it, like they did with american wedding, the only good one. besides, marriage is forever and i can respect that shit -to start off, the humans from the last movie were no where to be found, big loss. what is found is that ant eater nosed raymond ramo, the only thing that was done correctly was casting his nasally assed voice for the whanky mammoth. jada pinkett or queen latifah(like it matters) spits some game as a female mammoth and some retarded animal that did not even exist in those days, like a mouse is don by some piss ant actuer. -second off, why did the animals know to go away from the watered ice? no one even cares after the scene where the aminals find that damned ark thing. oh great, another blasphemous digital amination movie. like that walk on the water from flash or zip or whateveer his name was in the Incredibles was not bad enough, now we have a brontosoarus steering noah's ark. Land ahoy dickface. -if the humans existed in the original flick, they would have killed off all of the whooly's by then, because they did. Bet yuh did not know that, I did. That is why i said it, to amaze people with little known facts like only cool whooly mammoth's can do. -go eat iced age piss and see slither for all I care - John said... That walking on water bullshit was the most blasphemus god damned thing I've ever seen. There was some shit on the news about how scientists now think "the river jesus walked on was frozen below the surface so it was just an illusion that he walked on water..." How in the world could they know that?!?! That just REEKS of bullshit.MISSION: ACCOMPLISHED - ninjin turdle said... been herre'in dat crab ass word too. dem hoes got mission:taintless. (yes, using a web dictionary to spell blasphemus is a nice innequity) ----------------------------- Turn it on channel 3 tuesday at 10 an see me lay out rosie o'donnel----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Be it late, the word still needs to get out -all people have been in boring situations. Beyond boring comes frustratingly boring situations. They hurt everywhere and never let you forget boring introductions to stories, so let the body begin. -no one situation can compare to that of a horrible movie when giving scores for suck, as they seem to last days on end. Take the most recently caught beheading at the Celebration collisium. The more apropriatly named V for Vindication (what it was missing, along with plot) is the most recently successful moral twister making it's way into Americas youthful brains. Evenly flawed about the differences between justice and vengence, and falsly plotrid toward metiphors pertaining to governmental issues, Vendetta is a hero among Savage Cannibal whores. You see, not only does this film relate a ficticious "government" with a technolgically advanced, renniscannce styled society, but it marks all of the people in power with a sort of swastica/soviet disguise. The "hero," V, is an asshole in a Guy Fawkes mask which, by the way makes no sense.

Posted by Picasa Gay Fawk is an asshole who tried (yet hilariously failed) to kill an innocent King James I of England. A king who was just trying to put a little organzaition into the lives of some freedom sulking, all too fortunate and opportune primates in his city. Then ol' Gizzle drops an anvil next to Jaimie the uno-st and relizes he needs to be ruled not let free to run around and conspire. -This brings up another point to why this society should help to boycott such a disgustingly horrid view of a democracy along with the M.A.D.H.V.D. group(Mothers.Against.Disgustingly.Horrid.Views. of Democracy.) If this "hero" fool is such a hero, why does he as his good leaders do and kill those who are (he thinks) wrong, and then blow up beautiful and back brokenly put together buildings in "his" city. When will a true hero film emerge with a hero who lets this idiotic society realize that for a world to work, they all need to follow the government no matter what. For it is the only way. Not clinging to constitutional shite written 1000's of years back. Or a phony justice system. -On the note of a justice system, there is room to note the greatly and only enjoyed difference in this film as appose-ed to the infamously flawed, all-whoring, ra's a-gul murdering "fagman's birth" or BATMAN BEGINS. This one really burns at the heart of a true movie banning gooddoers conscious. First this film said "no no" to to killing those who kill and instead to lock them up and waste tax dollars. Okay, this mistakes sense. Society should just arrest and store criminal, no matter how evil, in a box on a shelf until they pass like egg and tuna gas or are "rehabilitated." Or at least say they learned and know. Like Joe Chill, who they were letting out for no reason to go kill another innocently rich yet giving to the underworld society family. They should have just hung him by his tally long ago and given him true justice, what he deserves on the other side. But V understood this and killed them all, even the old lady. And rightly so as she was his enemy and this is how it should be done. Of course V, with his stupid mask, does it for a fake reason. And why put a well known, expensive actor behind that mask, never revealing his true face ever. What a waste, that is like casting samuel L jackson for Barney(with mask.) As this colbare like report ends, remember to watch all of the commercials closely so that you find out as much as you can to truely review a film before watching it. This way you will find no surprises while watching it. Celebrate exploitation. bitch Posted by Picasa - Posted by Picasa

Κυριακή, Μαρτίου 12, 2006

GOD grants authors friend's wish before he asks it; craignotbond.com author's head explodes in beautiful spontaneous combustion display Posted by Picasa
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Τρίτη, Μαρτίου 07, 2006

Random thoughts and ideas of uh ninjin_ -When nearing the very end of uh orange KOOL-AID 1 ounce tub, empty that bit into the pitcher(not photography type,) then even it out with invisible cherry(duh shizz.) Duh resulting will shock and even terrify you. *Children keep this from your parents eyes and ears* -Yo' pitcha now be fill'd wit a agua green KOOL-AID, all to randomly tasting like invisible mint green KOOL-AID. Funny, it was all out last trip to meijer, now it is in da pitcha. -WOW -When a dyslexic person looks down at the tums tablet in their hand, do they read, "SMUT." More than that, what do they think? (well, I was thinking a bit of good misionary style sex would do the trick and relieve my acidic refluxation, but apparently I am one chew and swallow away from some true, chewable SMUT. This crap better not be SMUT flavored! (this SMUT better not be crap flavored!)

Σάββατο, Μαρτίου 04, 2006

-Much like clonecharlesmanson.com, oilseasinternational.com, bringbackdisco.jk, caprisonmen.ga, otherusesforhotdogs.cc and the saveosamabinfund.com type web sites there was once A GREATER CAUSE IN THE UN-HIGHER BEING WORLD. To the point finally, it was called: craignotbond.com. A self servicing organization created by an international group of the most intelligent, uplifting and intellectual "lifelong James Bond fans" this world has ever been gifted with, perhaps number two to the one Daniel Craig express mailed a fart in a jar to for their sniffing pleasures located behind queer street, Miami Florida. This post would end now before any small bit of tinkering is done to this groups afore given reputation.
-profesional analysis: on a silver platter bitch; Daniel Craig is a top notch actor catching the left over grimey attitudes of ripped off internet penis-enlarger trying, itrash investing-into, buddy icon collecting nerds with nothing better to hit than an enbalming fluid fuming mouthpiece or the ugly section of hotornot with cursor over the if she says yes button. Posted by Picasa All ya'll ninjins' new bond(pre 007)
-those fortunate enough to catch Guy Richies ultra suave professional dealer drama L4YER CAKE knew how well chosen Sir Daniel Craig was for successfully making "Casino Royale" into an action film(unlike Charles K. Feldman's failure.) Making a new name for the franchise that made a similar situation into "on herre majestrates secreted vice," which suffered the opposite outcome of an actor switch.
TRUE: (Craig) does seem miscast in a role portrayed by players with such opposite features. The big reliever here pussy, he does not resemble miseur Bond so well when his past performances are those being compared! Perhaps the fact that his past characters weren't named James or Bond(or 007, or official:licensed to kill, or..) is the only detail causing any painful penetration.

Looking more nerdy and blonde(opposite film Bond features) in this photographic portrayal, many are quick to forget his ability as a trained professional actor that brought the Bond franchise back from the recent "drought of action" review the public comonly gave "die another day," and return those ten years lost to the comonly defined Bond torso from brosnans premature flab scene in the last instalment(clever?) Damn, he is a fine young agent for being so close to Brosnan's age. His record speaks for itself people, he is famed from too many sleepers to be an ear cleaning all star in the line up. This only means one thing, Monsuier Bond's pre-Diamonds Are Forever outing will redefine and bring 007 to a new generation, as shown twice now going on three!